I am Dominic Francis and I am the owner of X Cheap Escorts. We work together with few other agencies and use the brand X. This is a new website but we are all part of a big group that works in the escorting business for many years. London is were we are based, and where the brand started. The plan with this new website is to start making progress in London and to offer you, our customers cheap London escorts. We introduced the price of just £80 per hour for an escort and we plan to keep this price, until some major financial crisis changes the meaning of the money.
I am a marketer. I graduated in Metropolitan University here in London specializing internet marketing. While I was a student I worked for few escort agencies in London. I was a driver, I was a manager, I was a HR and so on. So I know the business from the inside. When my friend Mario started the X brand I suggested him to introduce a different approach to escorts and to introduce the cheapest possible price. We together calculated that £80 per hour is a enough for us to be able to pay to escorts and drivers and to have some minimum amount per escort for advertising. I am proud that he reached such a success with his brand. At that time I was getting some more experience and knowledge in internet marketing. I am still learning as we all should do every day.
I decided that now is the right time to join the company. The X brand has expanded a little bit, but need some help to grow and to reach its potential. And me, as a person who knows the company from inside and has some knowledge from outside I believe I can help.
We want to grow even more. We are planing to expand in other cities and to turn the escort market there as well. We will go everywhere in the world and shock the customers there by offering the cheapest price possible. I believe there are many big cities just craving for our services. So if you are not from London. See you soon in your city.
Sincerely Yours,